Guaranteeing Startup Success?? | Ep. 32

Joshua Anderton on being a maker, bootstrapper, and father

It’s our first ever guest episode, and we’re excited to have Joshua Anderton on the podcast! We’ve shared our journey building Astropad but starting today, we’ll also mix in the stories of other bootstrappers and creators.

On this episode, Matt talks with Joshua about his background in music and how he get started as a maker dabbling in software, podcasts, video, and more. He shares how started his business Upscribe and how it got initial traction. They dive into where Upscribe is at today, what’s been the hardest part, what didn’t go as planned, and what he wishes he could tell his younger self.

Matt and Joshua also talk about balancing being fathers and founders. Joshua shares the tips that have worked for him to be present with his family while making progress on all the projects he has. Hint: They’re both still figuring it out.

And last but certainly not least, they talk about mental health and why there shouldn’t be a stigma around asking for help. 

PS: Joshua’s Podmelon is also the company that edits our podcasts. So if you need podcasting editing, definitely check them out!

On this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How Joshua got into podcasting, video editing, and software development
  • How he started and got initial traction with Upscribe
  • How he manages his time and gets (most) everything done
  • How he balances being a father of 2 (soon to be 3) and a founder
  • Why managing your mental health and psychology is key
  • What he wishes he could tell his younger self 

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