
Windows for Luna Display and Astropad is Happening

A special message from Astropad’s CEO

Dear Astropad Community, 

Windows support has been our top feature request for years, and over the past 16 months, we’ve been working hard to deliver on that promise.

We’ve had to rewrite tens of thousands of lines of code and develop an entirely new model of Luna to support Windows. We’re now in the final stages of rolling out Windows, and we need your help to cross the finish line. 

1. Live on Kickstarter: Luna Display for Windows!

Luna Display for Windows is now live on Kickstarter! By backing us on Kickstarter, you’re helping us build and manufacture this new model of Luna. You’ll also save up to $30 on Luna Display when you preorder through our Kickstarter campaign. Back us now!

2. Up next: Project Blue, our free public beta for Astropad on Windows

Later this year, we’ll be rolling out a free public beta of Astropad for Windows called Project Blue. We need your feedback to make Astropad as incredible for Windows as it is on Mac. Request access to be one of the first to try it.

3. LIQUID performance enhancements on our Mac apps

Along the journey to Windows, we’ve made major improvements to LIQUID, the core code that powers our products. Next year, we’ll also be updating our Astropad and Luna Display Mac apps with enhanced LIQUID performance

Astropad is a 100% bootstrapped company. We’ve never taken outside investment, which is why we rely on communities like Kickstarter, as well as our customers’ support and feedback to bring our products to life.

Thank you for helping us bring Astropad and Luna Display to Windows.

– Matt Ronge, Astropad CEO